Looking for some help here please. I have a custom built X8 (using the 3DR X8 frame, but with 750Kv motors and a 4S). It is ALL OVER the place. I have been working at this and working at this, and I just cannot figure out what is wrong.
In stabilize, it is just very awkward to fly. I don’t know how else to describe it. It overcorrects for everything, and just kind of wobbles around. Sometimes it will drift away, and bringing it back is near impossible - full rear pitch will just BARELY make it actually pitch it back, if at all. Loiter is an even bigger mess - it kind of toilet bowls and wobbles around all at the same time.
I originally suspected mag problems, so I put the 3DR gps on a 6" pole way above the props. Same issue.
I am including logs from a flight tonight. This starts with me trying to do an auto tune (hoping it would help), but it quickly gets too far away and I can barely bring it back. Then I do a Stabilize, reel it in, and then back off and switch to loiter.
In loiter, HANDS OFF (video below) you can see it just wobble all over the place. It is a dead calm day, with not even a breeze. I have no idea what it’s doing.
I would really appreciate if you experts can take a look at the logs (attached) and see if you see anything. Please ignore the battery warning, I ran it low since I only had one with me and wanted to get as much data as possible.
youtube.com/watch?v=By-OvsN … LvsdPX23-Q
^ This is in the log, attached, the loiter starts at about 65.