Diatone 500, sunnysky 2212 980kv running 3s. The machine flies great in all modes however it has a glitch on roll right only. The only thing that has not been changed since a crash (prop explosion) are the motors. I have changed APM, RX, Speed controllers, power module. Loiter is perfect, RTL is perfect and a mission is perfect. The glitch seems to get better the longer I fly. It’s a quick glitch and can fly through no problem but it is driving me crazy . There are 2 glitches in the log I attached, half the log was linking it up and taking it outside. The first glitch is shortly after arming and taking off to a hover and then rolling right. Any help is appriciated
Running 3.2.1
The .bin file is easier for others to troubleshoot than Tlogs. do you have the .bin file from your flights?