GHST protocol on Ardupilot

Hello everyone
A few months ago I built my first ArduPilot fixed wing, with an ARWing and BeagleBone Green + BBBMini.
It was great. Altough, this type of aircraft didnt really meet my dream fixed wing.
So I started a Skyhunter 1800mm build with a Matek F765-Wing onboard.
I built it for long range purposes, and I really want to use my Ghost TX/RX on this one. With my Ghost, I would like to have telemetry support. For this, I need SRXL2 or GHST protocol. The GHST protocol is faster and allows longer range than SRXL2, as well as better telemetry.
This protocol is unfortunately not on the compatible protocols list of ArduPilot, and I would like to know if there is any way to use it, even if not written compatible.


@Etyoppp I would also be very interested in this. I would use it on multiple builds, but I also see a large application to enable the entire ImmersionRC/Orqa Ecosystem to be viable in Ardupilot. I know it is supported in PX4. I have no idea what this would entail, but I wonder if it would it be doable to port over the Px4 GHST protocal to Ardupilot?