GF: upload failed |

Hello, does anyone know how to solve these errors:
GF: upload failed: Generic error / not accepting mission commands at all right now.
GF: upload failed: Coordinate frame is not supported.

I’m using Mavros, a Mocap System to estimate position and i want to send a Polygon Fence in Local Frame NED.

I initially run these commands:

  1. roslaunch mavros apm.launch
  2. roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch
  3. rosrun topic_tools relay /mocap_node/cialdellaMav/pose /mavros/vision_pose/pose
  4. I’m able to see /mavros/local_position/pose (because I’ve enabled “vision_pose_estimate” plugin in apm_pluginlists.yaml included in mavros package)

But then i wrote this code to create a polygon fence through mavros services (Waypoint) and i obtain those errors.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy
from mavros_msgs.msg import Waypoint
from mavros_msgs.srv import WaypointPush, WaypointClear

rtl_command = 5000
vertex_inclusion_command = 5001
frame = 1

def create_polygon():
wl = []

# Return Point (Home = Center of the polygon)
wp = Waypoint()
wp.frame = frame
wp.command = rtl_command
wp.is_current = False
wp.autocontinue = True
wp.param1 = 0
wp.param2 = 0
wp.param3 = 0
wp.param4 = 0
wp.x_lat = 0.25
wp.y_long = 1.0
wp.z_alt = 0

# First Vertex Waypoint
wp = Waypoint()
wp.frame = frame
wp.command = vertex_inclusion_command
wp.is_current = False
wp.autocontinue = True
wp.param1 = 0
wp.param2 = 0
wp.param3 = 0
wp.param4 = 0
wp.x_lat = 1
wp.y_long = 2.5
wp.z_alt = 0

# Second Vertex
wp = Waypoint()
wp.frame = frame
wp.command = vertex_inclusion_command
wp.is_current = False
wp.autocontinue = True
wp.param1 = 0
wp.param2 = 0
wp.param3 = 0
wp.param4 = 0
wp.x_lat = -0.5
wp.y_long = 2.5
wp.z_alt = 0

# Third Vertex
wp = Waypoint()
wp.frame = frame
wp.command = vertex_inclusion_command
wp.is_current = False
wp.autocontinue = True
wp.param1 = 0
wp.param2 = 0
wp.param3 = 0
wp.param4 = 0
wp.x_lat = -0.5
wp.y_long = -0.3
wp.z_alt = 0

# Fourth Vertex
wp = Waypoint()
wp.frame = frame
wp.command = vertex_inclusion_command
wp.is_current = False
wp.autocontinue = True
wp.param1 = 0
wp.param2 = 0
wp.param3 = 0
wp.param4 = 0
wp.x_lat = 1
wp.y_long = -0.3
wp.z_alt = 0

# Fifth Vertex (N) = First Vertex (1)
wp = Waypoint()
wp.frame = frame
wp.command = vertex_inclusion_command
wp.is_current = False
wp.autocontinue = True
wp.param1 = 0
wp.param2 = 0
wp.param3 = 0
wp.param4 = 0
wp.x_lat = 1
wp.y_long = 2.5
wp.z_alt = 0

# print(wl)

    # service = handle for calling the service
    service = rospy.ServiceProxy('mavros/geofence/push', WaypointPush, persistent=True)
    service =

    if service.success:
        print('Polygon Fence Write Success')
        print('Polygon Fence Write Fail')

except rospy.ServiceException as e:
    print("Service call failed: %s" % e)

def waypoint_clear():
response = rospy.ServiceProxy(‘mavros/geofence/clear’, WaypointClear)
except rospy.ServiceException as e:
print(“Service call failed: %s” % e)
return False

if name == ‘main’:
rospy.init_node(‘polygon_node’, anonymous=True)

I tried a lot of “frame” in ENUM MAV_FRAME and I’ve also tried to send these messages by publishing on “mavros/geofence/waypoints” topic or by sending Mavlink messages but with no success.

Please help me. Thansk in advance.

Update to ArduCopter 4.3.1 and re-test.

Sorry for not specifying.
I’m already using the latest version of Ardupilot (4.3.1) but it doesn’t work anyway.

Please post on the correct topic. It prevents us from wasting our time asking and you answering that.