I’m a bit of a newbie, but I’ve inherited a setup that was said to be working. Running arduplane on a RPi 3 with a NAVIO2 board.
Without arduplane running, I can run the example Navio2/Servos.py script and see servos actually move.
However, when I start up arduplane:
$ sudo /usr/bin/arduplane -A udp:
And then startup mavproxy.py in a different window:
$ mavproxy.py --master=udp:
Connect udp: source_system=255
Arming checks disabled
APM: ArduPlane V3.8.1 (4216a2c7)
Arm throttle:
MANUAL> APM: Throttle armed
Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 400, result : 0}
And then try to do set servo:
MANUAL> servo set 3 1250
MANUAL> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK >{command : 183, result : 4}
MANUAL> servo set 2 1250
MANUAL> Got MAVLink msg: COMMAND_ACK {command : 183, result : 4}
I don’t actually observe or hear any movement of the servos.
I’ve also tried unchecking all arm checks:
MANUAL> arm uncheck all
That made no difference either.
Any ideas what’s stopping the servos from moving?