Getting a double flashing yellow led on Pixhawk 1 at boot up

The FC is a 10 year old Pixhawk1 v2. :grin:

Your steps show a normal progression to arming. You say the LED went from flashing yellow to green, and then you armed. I don’t understand the perceived issue.

The perceived issue being: " Double flashing yellow: Failing pre-arm checks (system refuses to arm)", but the system does arm.
If all of the pre-arm checks passed, and they do, then I should have a solid blue led prior to arming, not the double flashing yellow led.

For some period of time after boot, the prearm checks are expected to fail (as I tried to explain above). The LEDs will flash yellow during this period, and you should not be able to arm while they flash yellow.

Thereafter, once the checks pass, the LEDs will cease flashing yellow, begin flashing green (indicating good position), and arming becomes possible. Your steps above indicate that this is when you successfully armed, which is normal.

I think you are describing expected behavior and simply misunderstanding when and why flashing yellow occurs.

It’s more concerning that you refuse to troubleshoot the GPS issue on firmware that isn’t 3 years old.


  1. I have let my Pixhawk 1 v2 sit for over an hour and the double flashing yellow led never changes to blue.
  2. The Rover Pixhawk1-1M software (ArduPilot firmware : /Rover/stable/Pixhawk1-1M) recommended by dkemxr recognizes GPS2 as well as the version 4.0.0 software.
  3. The version 4.4.0 software does not recognize GPS2 and displays the same double flashing yellow led as version 4.0.0 and Rover Pixhawk1-1M.
  4. My Pixhawk 1 v2 is ten years old and it is not worth attempting to troubleshoot the stable 4.4.0 version issues of the double flashing yellow led and the non-recognition of GPS2.

You said that it changed from flashing yellow to flashing green. It’s failing the “hardware safety switch” prearm check until you actuate that switch, at which point the LEDs go from flashing yellow to flashing green, indicating ready to arm with a good GPS fix.

There is no problem unless you can arm WHILE it flashes yellow.

why do you have GPS2 set to NMEA instead of autodetect? set GPS_TYPE2 =1 and it will automatically configure your f9 GPS.

Assuming you toggled the safety switch off before arming and then on again after a few arm/disarm cycles, the following message dump from your log shows normal, expected behavior with 2 GPS modules detected on Rover 4.4.0.

Agree with @geofrancis that GPS_TYPE2=1 is a better setting for most any uBlox-based module.

2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 ArduRover V4.4.0 (9279df61)
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 ChibiOS: 17a50e3a
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 Pixhawk1-1M 001F002D 34324709 31323533
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 Param space used: 811/3840
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 RC Protocol: PPM
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 RCOut: PWM:1-14
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 New mission
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 New rally
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 New fence
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 GPS 1: detected as u-blox at 230400 baud
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 GPS 2: detected as NMEA at 38400 baud
2024-02-16 08:14:05.840 Event: DATA_DISARMED
2024-02-16 08:14:05.840 Throttle disarmed
2024-02-16 08:14:15.900 Event: DATA_ARMED
2024-02-16 08:14:15.900 Throttle armed
2024-02-16 08:14:22.161 Event: DATA_GPS_PRIMARY_CHANGED
2024-02-16 08:14:28.240 Event: DATA_DISARMED
2024-02-16 08:14:28.240 Throttle disarmed
2024-02-16 08:14:29.460 Event: DATA_GPS_PRIMARY_CHANGED
2024-02-16 08:14:32.840 Event: DATA_ARMED
2024-02-16 08:14:32.840 Throttle armed
2024-02-16 08:14:40.140 Event: DATA_DISARMED
2024-02-16 08:14:40.140 Throttle disarmed
2024-02-16 08:14:45.320 Event: DATA_ARMED
2024-02-16 08:14:45.321 Throttle armed
2024-02-16 08:14:53.340 Event: DATA_DISARMED
2024-02-16 08:14:53.340 Throttle disarmed
2024-02-16 08:15:31.161 PreArm: Hardware safety switch
2024-02-16 08:16:02.161 PreArm: Hardware safety switch
2024-02-16 08:16:33.161 PreArm: Hardware safety switch


  1. I have Auto Config disabled.
  2. I configured my GPS2 ZED-F9P myself and it is sending NMEA messages out of UART1 at 38400 baud to the Pixhawk 1
  3. ArduRover version 4.0.0 and Pixhawk1-1M would not recognize the ZED-F9P on GPS2 when GPS TYPE2 was set to either Auto or ublox and only when set to NMEA.
  4. ArduRover version 4.4.0 would not recognize the ZED-F9P on GPS2 when GPS TYPE2 was set to either Auto, ublox, or NMEA.

My latest Flash Data Log link is for ArduRover version Pixhawk1-1M and not version 4.4.0.
Why should I bother with version 4.4.0 when I have verified that it will not recognize my ZED-F9P on GPS2 no matter what I set the GPS TYPE2 setting to?

You are confusing hardware target and firmware version.

Previously, it seems you were using 4.0.0 and 4.4.0 targeted for fmuv3 hardware architecture.

Now, you’re using 4.4.0 targeted for the Pixhawk1-1M architecture, which Dave recommended because it tends to work better on boards like yours (and clearly that was a good recommendation because your GPS is now recognized).

Look at the message dump from your latest log:

2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 ArduRover V4.4.0 (9279df61)
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 ChibiOS: 17a50e3a
2024-02-16 08:13:55.641 Pixhawk1-1M 001F002D 34324709 31323533

I can’t think of a single good reason to disable auto-configure and set an F9P up at a slow baud rate and NMEA as the only protocol.

Additionally, unless you have a very high performance GPS as GPS1, the F9P is likely better suited to be your primary position source (swap it to GPS1 or, at a minimum, set GPS_AUTO_SWITCH=1).

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@Yuri_Rage The only reason I can think of is that the f9 wont be auto configured on a firmware as old as 4.0. but it should work with default auto detect with stock gps settings on 4.4.

I dont think you realise how much has changed since 4.0. its been 5 years of updates.

I also agree you should set the f9 as the primary gps, the standard 3dr one you are using for navigation is a very old neo6m module and is far less accurate than the f9.


You may need to reset the F9P to defaults and/or enable UBX messages in u-Center before auto-configure will work properly on the more recent firmware. I’m fairly certain that UBX messages need to be present on UART1 for that to occur.


A kind individual in my neighborhood heard about my Pixhawk 1 v2 project and has generously given me two Holybro Pixhawk 6x minis with accessories that were leftover hardware from a company project.
I have programmed them both with the Pixhawk6X ArduRover firmware version 4.6.0-dev and have them working with a Holybro M9N GPS/Compass module and my ZED-F9P acting as GPS2. The Pixhawk 6x mini will only recognize the ZED-F9P when the ZED-F9P UART1 is sending NMEA messages, UBX was a no-go, to the GPS2 port.
So I will put the Pixhawk 1 v2 back into the dust bin of FC history and move my project forward with the two Pixhawk 6x minis.
Thank you all for your help with my Pixhawk 1 issue.

did you reset your f9p to stock settings first before trying it again?

You are hamstringing the hell out of that high quality module by continuing to relegate it to GPS2 and disabling auto configuration.

I have configured about a dozen Zed-F9Ps on boards as old as the one you had before all the way up to recent H743 and H757 based autopilots. They work as I described above every single time.

In my opinion, trash that older GPS module. It won’t offer anything of value to your project with a (properly configured) F9P onboard.

Reset to defaults in u-Center. Save to flash. Connect as GPS1 and auto configure (default parameters).

Recommend 4.5-beta2 rather than unstable dev firmware.

I’m having similar issue and have same hardware setup. I reset the config on the controller, on ZED-F9P I have enabled UBX messages. Mission planner still shows no GPS. Any other suggestions or tutorials that you can think of?

Check the wiring. Reset your F9P to defaults. Use auto configure in ArduPilot. Configure only one serial port for GPS. Ensure that the port that is configured is indeed the one that’s connected to the GPS (search serial port mapping for your autopilot).

Search my username and F9P. You’ll see this advice repeated ad nauseam, and the results are almost always a light bulb arriving over the cranium of the user when some simple mistake is discovered.

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Thank you! ended up resetting everything and not sure what fixed it. It works now.