Geofence altitude control throttle problem

Hello I recently had some issue on a flight which ended in a 50m ground crash

Here are my settings :
Failsafe : channel 5 -> RTL and Throttle @ 40%
GeoFence: alt 81m, 400m radius, RTL altitude:7m
APM PID settings :
Logfile : … 0c0Nl9UT0U

Issues encountered :

  • Quadcopter had a huge destabilisation at “fast” altitude loss, doing some weird stabilization
  • Did “loss” the altitude control on this flight, as the quad was acting althold while “stabilized” and throttle values were “modified” by the controller … GeoFence altitude triggered RTL but produced weird results as I could only act upon the Yaw axis … so the quad was stucked at high altitude, setting flight mode to sport caused its “wanted” crash @ 0% throttle

Some data :
Altitude graph :
Altitude Graphs : ( are these meters or feets ? ) notice the failsafe fence && RTL enabled … which did quite nothing … RTL shall have returned it 7 meters above home position
Channel 5 input : ( flight mode )
Channel 3 input : throttle : ( throttle )

Throttle input does not match altitude values :
Channel 3 input vs output :

( at some time I put throttle off and controller still setting some “hover” throttle ) … only setting the flight mode to sport enabled the quadcopter crash ( as my throttle value was set @ 0 % )

Any clue ? advice ? idea ?
Any enlightment would be greatly appreciated, thanks :wink: