Gazebo simulator does not respond to command sent by mavproxy but SITL does

I followed the steps here to install Gazebo-ardupilot plugin.
When I launch SITL and Gazebo as mentioned in the documentation, Gazebo does not respond to the command sent to SITL.

In SITL command line, the Gazebo class is compiled and loaded:

[391/502] Compiling libraries/SITL/SIM_Gazebo.cpp
SIM_VEHICLE: Using defaults from (/home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm,/home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/gazebo-iris.parm)
S IM_VEHICLE: Run ArduCopter
SIM_VEHICLE: "/home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/" "ArduCopter" "/home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/build/sitl/bin/arducopter" "-S" "-I0" "--home" "-35.363261,149.165230,584,353" "--model" "gazebo-iris" "--speedup" "1" "--defaults" "/home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm,/home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/gazebo-iris.parm"
SIM_VEHICLE: "" "--master" "tcp:" "--sitl" "" "--out" "" "--out" "" "--mav10" "--map" "--console"
RiTW: Starting ArduCopter : /home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/build/sitl/bin/arducopter -S -I0 --home -35.363261,149.165230,584,353 --model gazebo-iris --speedup 1 --defaults /home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm,/home/soubhi/Desktop/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/gazebo-iris.parm

The output from Gazebo command line:
Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Err] [] Light [sun] not found. Use topic ~/factory/light to spawn a new light.
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[imu] not suppported.
[Wrn] [] Unable to connect to model database using[]. Only locally installed models will be available.[Err] [] Unable to get model name[]

I even tried to open port 11345 in mavproxy: --master=127.0.1:14550 --sitl --out

Operating system: fedora
Gazebo version: 7
SITL Ardupilot is latest one

I will appreciate any help!

Hi @Subhi did you run this command gazebo --verbose worlds/ after copying your worlds from ardupilot_gazebo/gazebo_worlds to /usr/share/gazebo-7/worlds/?

Also, you can try copying ardupilot_gazebo/gazebo_models to ~/.gazebo/models

Finally it worked after many hours. I do not know what was the problem but after restarting the computer it starts working. Thank you!