Galaxy Tab 3 8 SM-T315 LTE

Good afternoon, I am pretty new with APM and Droidplanner, and I have a problem trying to connect to APM via RC Timer Radios on my brandnew Samsung Tab 3 8 SM-T315 LTE. When connecting the USB via OTG cable, I have a popup telling that their is an USB activity and asking if Droidplanner should be opened. (I only have the latest version of Droidplanner 1 installed on the tablet) When I click yes, it opens Droidplanner as expected and a nice voice tells me ‘disconnected’. When I hit the Connection button on the top right, it says ‘Connected’ and after more or less 7 seconds, Droidplanner stops working and I get a popup telling me that Droidplanner had to be stopped. I already rooted the tablet, added SU, Titanium Backup+ and Elixir 2 just to find the bloody service which stops the Droidplanner but I did not find it. So the question I would like to ask :
Is there any way to make Droidplanner work on that tablet, even with a Custom Rom (Kitkat 4.4) or do I have to give up and buy a Nexus 7 to have it working? Please take in consideration that I know about the bluetooth solution and it is not an option to me. Thanks in advance for your kind answers. Best

I have a Samsung Tab 3 too and ran into this problem. It is my understanding that this tablet does not have the hardware part of the usb to communicate with telemetry modules. So I got the bluetooth bridge from event38 and it works great! Why is the bluetooth not an option for you?
