Galaxy 3 Tab no USB Host?


I just received my 3DR telemetry kit that comes with the OTG cable. I was pretty excited about getting going with DroidPlanner but I may be out of luck. Can anyone confirm what should happen when I plug in the 3DR radio to my Galaxy Tab 3? Right now I’m not seeing a blinking green LED and from reading around a good bit it may be that there is no USB host controller on the Galaxy Tab 3? I just found this:

Which makes me even less confident that I’ll be able to use this device. Any tips or suggestions from the group?


My Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 does not have the OTG style connector and I had to buy a Samsung 30Pin USB Connector to adapt the Samsung Tab to my 3DR telemetry radio and it works quite well.
Sounds like they messed up moving to the OTG style connector instead of retaining the 30pin USB Connection. It is also the way that I charge my Tab 2.
TCIII Developer

Thanks for the reply. Yes, they definitely messed up and so did I in buying this thing! But I believe there is still hope if I go the Bluetooth serial module route. Will post my results when I get this working.

This is unfortunate. My carrier Sprint has these on sale for $50 and a cheap data plan.

Bluetooth is the best way to go if you can’t use USB.

Thanks Arthur. I’m have a BlueSMIRF board on order and will post back after I get it up and running.

I would also appreciate if you could report back on if you get this going. I too wanted to purchase one through Sprint right now but not going to do it if it don’t work.

Thank you for trying to figure it out!

You got it. I decided not to order the BlueSMIRF & found the one below instead. It’s the same board as mentioned in the DroidPlanner wiki, but I found someone here in the US with it in stock. It’s about 1/3 the price of the BlueSMIRF board. It should be here this week and I’ll share my findings. … 25410_item

My Bluetooth module showed up today and I’m trying to get everything configured. I’ve paired with my tablet, but when I open DroidPlanner I can’t seem to find where I can select Bluetooth for my connection. Looking at some of the screenshots I notice there is what appears to be a settings icon next to “Connect”. It has 3 vertical dots I believe. Is there a chance that this doesn’t show up on 7" screens? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

It should show on a 7" screen, maybe it doesn’t because your device has a “menu” button. Try hitting that.

If you can post a picture of the device here, and I can try to help you further.

Very nice, Arthur! Some how I had missed those buttons. They’re actually not even buttons but just overlays on the bottom of my Tab 3. But yes, when I click the menu button I see settings and have the option to change my comm type. Awesome! BTW, I’m documenting this process here (and plugging DroidPlanner too) if anyone is interested:

Arthur, keep up the great work. DroidPlanner is an incredible asset to the community and I’m hoping to contribute soon. I used to do a lot of mobile Java dev, but need to get familiar with the Android SDK.

Cool, having a Java background is a huge head-start. When I stated DP I only had knowledge on embedded programming (mostly C).

@dbaldwin: If you want to see something cool take a look at this thread:

Good to hear. Well I definitely plan on getting into this. This project is way too cool to not be involved!

I just looked through the NewUI thread and it looks really clean. The new theme (icons, layout, design) is much more professional in my opinion. Great work. I’m off to get my dev env setup to see what I can figure out.

Here are two links to get you up and running: … uild-Setup … h-the-code

I use an Ubunto machine to develop, but the other developers use Mac and Windows so we cover most of the OS options.

If you need help feel free to call me via google Hangouts on “arthur dot benemann”.

I wanted to share my progress from over the weekend. I was able to get the bluetooth module wired up and configured to work @ 57600 baud with DroidPlanner. You can see it working with my 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab 3:

I’m going to be working on improving the wiring in the coming weeks, but I’m glad to know that this actually works. Please feel free to post if you have any questions on the setup.

[quote=“dbaldwin”] I just found this:

Which makes me even less confident that I’ll be able to use this device. [/quote]

Oh man! That is frustrating. I -just- ordered a refurb Galaxy Tab 3 thus morning! I had checked this forum, and the tested device list. I figured since the Samsung products are so popular, and it didn’t show up on the list with any caveats, that it would work fine via USB.

I send a note to the eBay seller, 15 minutes after my purchase. I hope he will let me cancel.

I’m primarily an iPad guy, so I don’t need a general purpose tablet. I’m just looking for a decent table to run DroidPlanner. :frowning:


The seller let me cancel my purchase. Phew! I found a refurbished 2012 Nexus 7 that will (hopefully) play nice with Droidplanner via USB. I did find some confirmation via other posting that it supported USB Host mode.


Glad to hear you got it sorted out. I’d like to know how the Nexus 7 works out for you. The setup with the bluetooth module works just fine, but it’s a pain to get going. My OTG cable just lays there and mocks me. How great it would have been to be able to use it!

I watched your three videos. Very well done, and educational. If I hadn’t been able to cancel my order, I probably would have gone down that path. Of course, in additional to purchasing the Bluetooth unit, I would have also had to purchase a BEC and battery and cables and connectors.

Thanks for all the investigative work, and for taking the time to share what you had discovered.
