Fully articulated TVC bi-(or)-tandem copter.

Jujuuu! Updates and modifications in place. And it still flies :smile:

  • Added “aerodynamic” covers on left and right fork bottom because this was an aerodynamic sinkhole. Also, the wires to the motors and roll actuators are now guided.
  • Added “aerodynamic” cover above center (ardupilot) mount top plate. A bit for aerodynamic, but mainly to protect the wires against the airturbulances created by the propellers. Additionally it allwed me to move the GNSS receiver/ EX Magnetometer a bit higher away from current path
  • Moved all RC RX, telemetry and telemetry power supply to the bottom of the bottom plate of the autopilt.
  • Instead of 2 packs of (2x6s) on left and one right, I have now two big 12s batteries. Lowers a bit the CoG, and in this manner increases a bit the lever arm, but primarily allows me better to move the high current path away from the autopilots internal magnetometer. An weight saver of 600g.
  • The longitudinal landing gear skid is shortend ~50cm, but has now bended ends.
  • The lateral supporting x-landing tubes were shortend to about 40cm and have also now beautiful bended ends.
    • They are now too short and the 2-bees can now easily tilt over when landed a bit too dynamcially. I will extend them again.
  • Moreover I’ve added a mounting interface for the x-landing-tubes to get rid of the cable ties.
  • RID added
  • The two “rings to enslave” (my name for the outer gimbals ring) is now printed MDF. I hoped for a bit more stiffness, but unfortunatelly the stiffness is identical. However, now they have a beautiful color.
  • Decreased as good as possible all play and backlashes in the gimbals mechanic with shims.
  • Adjusted all actuator rods.
    • For the test today, the forward and aft gimbals angles were still not optimal equal (+/- 0.2°). It’s a real pain to adjust all servos to the same angle. Good for today, but to be improved in future. A must.
  • Software update to latest FW (stable 4.5.7) and added my code ex-coax
    • Changes roll:yaw to 75:25 (+/-12.5° roll and +/- 4° for yaw)
  • PID tuning
  • About 2h of balancing

  • Solved: Both, internal and external magnetometer can be now calibrated when AP is powered by the 12s batteries (the internal failed before).

  • Stable

    • Roll Axis is perfect
    • Pitch Axis is very stable, a tiny improvment maybe still possible
    • Yaw Axis is in hover good, but in flight (along pitch, long) it has a slight tendency to turn
  • Position Control Stabilized

    • Easy, a slight drift, controlable
  • Altitude Control easy, but I need to learn softer landings :smile:

  • Position Control: okay, but not pefect

  • To be improved:

  • Lag, slow response when flying,

    • PID?
    • Feed Forward required?
  • Still sometimes a uncommanded yaw-turn (or low piloting skills)

The first video shows the flight control mechanism (tilt head, fixed pitch)

The second video shows 2-bees hovering in stabilized mode.

And the third video is also hovering but with commanded yaw inputs.

I forgot to mention the LED strip :slight_smile: