Frsky Telemetry on Matek F765

Cause this is the top google result searching for “f765 r9mm fport”, this is what needs to be done to get this working:

  1. flash an fport firmware on the receiver. Did flash 190201 from here.

  2. From MissionPlanner set variables:

    • BRD_ALT_CONFIG to 1
    • RSSI_TYPE to 3
    • SERIAL7_OPTIONS to 15
    • SERIAL7_PROTOCOL to 23
    • NO NEED to touch RC_OPTIONS from the default value of 0
  3. Enjoy.

Working on Plane 4.0.6 (036ad45), R9M 2018 ACCST, OpenTX 2.3.10.

** If you haven’t installed MissonPlanner recently – in MP, press Ctrl-F, from the window that appears click “Param gen” (7th in the left column), wait ~1 minute, and restart MP. This will update MP so it can edit the bitfields. BTW, @Michael_Oborne, it’s not such a bad idea for MP to do that on every firmware update, I think.