Frsky bidirectional telemetry implementation

Thanks for confirming that, Alex. Saves me time not installing it and trying it out…

Any plans to make it work with ELRS…no pressure, just curious.

And while I have you online, any tips for decreasing the telemetry latency on the ‘regular’ Yaapu Lua script? Again, using ELRS, I get about 3-4 sec latency on the FC telemetry. I’ve tweaked the telemetry ratio in the ELRS script, with small benefits.

no plans on bidir support on CRSF.
3-4 secs is way too slow, check the debug script and see the actual telemetry rate for the passthrough packets, should be fast like a few herz at the very least

OK, will try. I have not tried the debug scripts, as I don’t know what it is or what it means. That is, I see it on my radio, but haven’t run it. I’ll do see and take a screen shot.

This is what I see after about 15 seconds.

And, of course, the radio made me a liar just now, as the latency on the HUD is now only about 1 sec.

…which is in line with your rates, you can go faster by using a 50hz telemetry rate like 100:2 or 200:2 or 200:4

My values were based on setting the CRSF telemetry rate to 8:1. Going to 4:1 decreased the latency to almost real time. I don’t understand the 100:2 or 200:2 that you suggest, but I’m still learning CRSF and I’ll play with it. Thanks for your time/advice!

your 8:1 means little without the actual RC rate, but if increasing it to 4:1 led to no latency I suspect that you link rate was 200Hz.
200@8:1 = 25Hz telemetry rate which is the bare minimum
200@4:1 = 50Hz telemetry rate which leads to faster updates

Ok, now I understand. My packet rate was initially set on 100Hz @ 32:1, which explains why the latency was so high. I plan to bump it to 250Hz @ 8:1 at a minimum, as you suggest. Thanks for your help, and a great script…I love it!


Alex, is there a way for the Yaapu script to audibly announce certain sensor values during a flight? I love having all the sensor data on the TX16S screen, particularly pre-flight and post-flight, but I fly Line of Sight a lot, and taking my eyes off the plane to scan the Yaapu display during flight is risky. Is the script configurable to announce the value of specific sensors, like altitude, groundspeed, battery voltage?

first of all thanks for your support!
My script has many builtin alerts, for min/max altutude max distance from home, battery levels and ardupilot “events” such as terrain, fence, failsafe etc
It does not provide vocal sensor announcements for they are quite easy to setup using plain opentx/edgetx

You’re welcome, and more than deserve it!
I know that EdgeTx says that one can create audio announcements from Telemetry Sensors, but doesn’t describe how. If you know how or can recommend a link, I would appreciate it.

Nevermind, Alex. I figured it out! Easy from the Special Functions menu.

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So, just to confirm…this tool won’t work if you are using crossfire and not an FRsky control link? The Yaapu telemetry tool works for me, but when I start this tool, it’s stuck on a “loading” message box. Thanks.

[Edit] I told BS and deleted wrong info.

no, bidirectional telemetry won’t work with CRSF or ELRS, it does indeed require a frsky telemetry setup and unfortunately not all rx/tx combos will work for reliable bidirectional traffic is not “granted”, so YMMV.


Thanks for the reply. The TBS Agent lua allows for some parameter setting from the Tx so there is some bidirectional ability there with CRSF. Although really, if I want to make changes, I’ll usually just connect a laptop or my phone to the FC via USB and do it that way.

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