Frsky bidirectional telemetry implementation

No problem and thank you. Here is a detailed debug log. It is fairly easy to decipher. It would be great if you could take a look at it when you get some time. There is no rush as I’ve got plenty of other things I need to do. :slight_smile:

Here is where I read the SPort from R-XSR and slot in our passthru and mavlite

Hi everybody, happy to report that frsky bidirectional telemetry has been merged into master, a big thank you goes to @peterbarker for extensive review and coding and to @hwurzburg for testing!

Happy to hear that! Easier to manage when it’s not a PR release. Nice work Alex.

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Thank you very much for the great work you have done. I have just flashed the latest MASTER into my new Matek H743 Slim. The FrskyLuaGCS script has worked, but there is an error.

yes, there’s an updated version on github that does not have the “qwerty” debug param, please update your setup

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I installed today’s version, downloaded about an hour ago. I don’t see newer there.

Ok, i fix it. Need delete SCRIPTS\TOOLS\yaapu\plane_params_1.luac and run luagcs_compiler.lua

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ah, you’re absolutely right, .lua files are updated but .luac are not, thanks for pointing that out!

edit: github updated with fixed files

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Hi Eric, is Mav2P ready to test with yaapuGCS widget yet?

Marc, I’m afraid Eric is still waiting for some debug info from me :frowning:

Are you slacking on us Alex!!! :grinning:

No worries. I just gave up on all things FrSky for now. Maybe I should just break down and get a new R9 OTA system. I got so fed up with their nonsense after I spent $400+ on a HorusX10 S. I resolved to just use Dragonlink.

Most of my models now have R9 Rx’s in them. I flash them all to ACCST as I have a Radiomaster. I have been pretty happy with the performance.

oops did not intend to :slight_smile:

Hi Guys

I’ve neglected this thread for a while. Great work on getting the GCS code merged Alex. I need to do some reading and catch up.

On the positive side I figured out ACCESS and F.Port in the meantime. The ACCESS / Archer receivers have some nice features, but a little pricey for full range models. I’m still waiting for the Horus ISRM upgrade kit so I can properly test the Ground side of F.Port.

I’ve been using R9/R9M ACCST for a long time now, and very happy with then over limit “long range”, like a few km, but I still think the true LR radios are essential for serious LR work.

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Thanks Eric, it has been a long review, like an year but finally made it in :slight_smile: The protocol has not been touched so the specs are those from my presentation back in march

That is cool!
in the meantime frsky has release fport2 and if you have an archer you might be able to test that as well, it’s slightly different, tridge added support for it and I did minimal patching to allow for efficient telemetry, overall works really well, bidir telemetry too.

I have mixed feelings about R9, I fly an R9 2019 flashed to ACCST on flex@100mW, I have 3 planes with it, 2 of them never had a single issue, one of them never worked as intended from the beginning, I even switched receivers (r9mini to r9mm) but I keep losing telemetry midflight for no apparent reason with good rssi (around 75), flying site is the same for all of them and distance never exceeds 500m.
Nothing particularly noisy on board, dunno, kind of OT though.

I seem to have lucked out on the V2.1 spec, so that’s what I implemented.

F.Port.protocol.betaFlight.V2.1.2017.11.21.pdf (308.3 KB)

EDIT: Seems to work properly with the cheaper Archer M+ and the latest FW.

Ok, I will test based on those specs, using this approach: Frsky bidirectional telemetry implementation - #79 by yaapu

Eric that’s fport v1, fport2 has physical ids, specs are not public.

Ah, what do you recommend Alex?

I asked frsky if I can share the specs with you, waiting for a reply :slight_smile:

Edit: got a reply, wrote you a PM