Frequent change in hexacopter parameters

Hello we r using secured ardu pilot firmware for hexa copter agriculture sprayer drone with cube orange fc, as we want to lock the parameters as many times we have observed that many of the parameters like frame gets changed and we have to then reselect it. Please assist us on this.

That is not possible. How do you do firmware updates? Do you load old parameter files after updating the firmware?

You should supply two .bin log files: from a good configuration and a bad configuration.

Thanks for the support, Sir In compliance to Indian laws have flash the digitally signed firmware and then we set up the mandatory settings through a software similar to Mission Planner. As such we are not writing any old parameters.

Thanks for the support, do you need our log files ?

I was just wanting to see a “before” and “after” when these parameters got wiped or changed.
There was early Cube Orange firmware that had a problem with a new type of memory chip - this affected some other flight controllers too - so make sure you are on the latest stable firmware version. 4.3.7 is a good version.

Thanks for your suggestion, we will move to 4.3.7.