Hi guys,
anyone here is using the MFE Freeman 2100?
I had one was using arduplane 4.0 with beaglebone and now I’m migrating to a new flight controller(matek h765-wing) and Arduplane 4.4.
First I loaded MFE parameter file and after a first test I’m having a horrible yaw authority, wobbling a lot from left to right.
Anyone has any clue of what can be happening ?
In a second test I increased the Q_TILT_YAW_ANGLE from 10 to 20 but the behavior was the same.
I revised the tilt rotor page and I believe I have a good alignment between tilt motors.
Reading more I’m in doubt about the relation between the Q_TILT_YAW_ANGLE and the servo max and min.
What is the correct configuration of the tilt servo limits? I have to configure the servo max/min to (using Q_TILT_YAW_ANGLE = 20) around 110 degrees or I should let the
servo max/min to 90 degrees? QuadPlane Setup Tips — Plane documentation
I post some logs for both scenarios. Freeman2100 - Google Drive