Free PWM ports functions assigning [Declined]

Topic: Free PWM ports functions assigning

Proposal type: Hardware [ ] , Software [x ] , Other [ ] : _________________

In current software conception we have some functions hardcoded like (arduplane) pitch/roll/throttle/rudder to 1-4 OUTS
Will be nice to free it and add RCx_function to 1-4 ports too. In some cases like port/pin failure or different wiring or any other it will be very usefull.
Together with the above, I would also suggest adding a bookmark/screen in MP and/or QGC with channel/port assigning for clear view.

Planned amount $$ (USD): don’t know

Estimated time for completion: no matter

@bluuu you’re in luck! this is already done for the 3.8 release. The functions are SERVOn_FUNCTION. We’ve split RC inputs and servo outputs into separate parameters

wow, nice to hear ! so i’m waiting for release :slight_smile:

please test the beta now!