Free Flight Control - Sponsorship of Flying Dreams (Phase 2)

The link below has a more detailed description of the PixPilot C3 flight control:!USD!US%20%24129.00!US%20%24129.00!!!129.00!129.00!%40213db7b317008817714577499e4799!12000036544923894!sh!US!2531506054!&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa

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As a Chinese fellow, I still do not occupy your resources to deliver products to the world, come on! Your flight control and aircraft are excellent!

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This concludes the second phase of the flight control sponsorship.

Thanks to the active participation of open source flight control enthusiasts who make flying colourful.

Thanks to ArduPilot for making cost-effective flight controls available to more people.

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bro please ā€¦give me one

Iā€™m very sorry, but this sponsorship is over.

I canā€™t afford such a huge money to buy a good flight controllerā€¦so I askedā€¦itā€™s ok no problem

PixPilot C3 flight control installation, testing, and flight video on a fixed wing Fighter.PixPilot C3 flight control installation, testing, and flight video on a fixed wing Fighter.