Just upgraded my TX from an old X9D which was (partly) working with Sbus/S.port. RC in was stable but I never succeeded in getting any telemetry back from FC.
Now using X20s tx and have all latest firmware in all above equipment and flashed RX with ACCESS with fport support.
After FC boot I get RC for approximately 1 minute (and GPS showing up in Frsky sensors), then RC stops (as seen in MP radio page) and X20 reports ‘sensor loss’ due GPS gone.
Have been through almost every possible setting in SERIAL7 options, including pull up & pull down resistors. Strangely ‘invert TX or RX’ dosent seem to change anything, it works for about 1 minute regardless of these settings. Have also tried a new RX6R with no difference.
Any ideas please?
There is Fport w/o ACCESS, it works fine with ACCST. I don’t have anything ACCESS and a few models are using Fport.
This the firmware I use on the R9MM’s:
I realize this doesn’t help you just making the point that it’s supported on these Rx’s at least.
I have now tried to revert to S.Port. (by selecting it on X20 in ACCESS settings). Can only get RC connected if protocol is set to 23 (like fport). It will not connect at all when set to 10, as advised. In all cases there is no telemetry returned.
2 days on this and getting quite frustrated.
Connect the Sport to another UART and set that UART to Protocol 10. Rx6 has to be 23 (RCIN) and the Sport UART has to be 10.
Not sure why Fport isn’t working for you.
Hi Dave. Thanks for help. Another morning spent on this, however limited success.
F.Port still hanging after about 60 seconds. The longest it worked was about 3 minutes but I never saw more sensors than the GPS. Been through almost every possible serial7 options.
Regarding S.Port, think I was being a bit dim and didnt notice in the Matek diagram it shows smartport on TX4, not the same UART as the sbus. Thanks for pointing in that direction, however I dont get all sensors unless I set protocol to 4.
Hope the devs can take a look at this F.Port problem.
Next thing to figure out is how to get Yaapu on my X20. I see the github instructions but is there a vid out there for Ethos?
There’s no F.Port problem for the devs to look at. I have a R9 Slim wired for F.PORT just like Matek says in your photo with SERIAL7_OPTIONS=7 and SERIAL7_PROTOCOL=23.
As for Yaapu, just download the zipfile from Github and copy the X20 files to your SD card. The directions are in his wiki and I believe in the zipfile as well. It’s very straightforward.
Well perhaps its a problem with the RX6R. With those settings it will freeze up every time. Have tried a second RX6R. Both are working fine in SPort mode. I have no idea whats causing this.
Thanks Marco.
I ended up getting another RX - TDMX, which works fine with Fport, Recently have also got a CRSF RX which is also fine with fport. Think I basically gave up with that RX.