Follow me and camera control


Is the follow me mode supposed to control the camera (copter yaw and gimbal tilt) when I use follow me mode? If it should, do I need to set any special parameters?
Currently it can follow me and go around me, but it doesn’t actually aim the camera towards me.

(I’m using the latest 2.7.6rc2)


What does it mean " doesn’t actually aim the camera towards me."?
Look at my video, is it OK for me.

Thanks for your answer.
I just went out and tested again to verify that it doesn’t work for me, now that I know it should. And what do you know; it worked.

I have been messing a little with my settings, and thinking that it might be my mnt_mode which have been messed up.

Now it’s set to 4 (gps-point) and it worked. I don’t know if that’s what made it work, but I just wanted to point that out as a possible solution if anybody else come across this problem.