Flywoo Goku F745 AIO - Showing 8 motors, but only want 4?

I am building an Ardu-whoop, and am using the Flywoo Goku F745 AIO.
I confirm that I am using the firmware from: ArduPilot firmware : /Copter/stable/FlywooF745 , and not that of the nano.
Using the QUAD X configuration. And In the servo output tab I have only defined outputs 1-4 to the corresponding motors. However, when I go to the motor test tab, I am seeing 8 different motor tests (motors A to H) and on motor test. And the motors are turning out to be A,E,F,G on test.
On my initial flight test, I can tell something is wrong in the behavior. So I am led to assume the FC is thinking there are 8 motors at the moment, even though I’ve only assigned 4. I know the Goku F745 is capable of providing 8 motor outputs.
Has anyone else ran into this? Any guidance on how to remove the extra motors in the motor test tab is appreciated.

You will have the wrong FRAME_TYPE set

I have frame_class set to 1 for Quad, and frame_type set to 1 for X configuration.
However, I still see 8 motors on my Motor Test tab.