FlySky FS-i6X support

Has anyone ever contacted for support ? I have tried to contact / register and have had no response.

I’ve never tried myself, but what is wrong with the radio?

I managed to lose channels 7&8 by a factory reset. I have not been able to update firmware to retrieve them . Apart from that the radio works.



That’s very odd, not something I’ve heard of before. It’s been a while since I’ve updated the firmware on a flysky radio but I didn’t encounter any problems. Are you using one of the official update radio cables or a USB to FDTI converter? I think I did the latter because it’s what I had at the time. I assume you’re using the updater from their website?


I believe its the former from Banggood. The chip on the board is

Thanks for your interest

hi again Liam,

  Further to my last mail I decided to go through the radio set up

and double check everything. The channel mix settings are out but
that is probably something I can sort. While scrolling around I
found channels 7&8 and even 9&10 at the bottom of an aux
channels menu where I had never been before. As yet untested this
may explain the firmware update issue… you can’t update
something that is already there !

Thanks again


Sorry that I missed this, I was moving house this weekend. Have you been able to map the aux channels to anything and control them?

Hi again

  I put ch7 & 8 on VrA & VrB and they worked ok on the

radio display. I then connected the FC to Mission Planner and did
a radio calibration and again they reacted the way they should. I
have not yet hooked up to the camera gimbals as I am waiting on
some cables. these may take some time from Banggood but I think it
should work ok.

Good luck with the new house.


If mission planner is picking up the channels then I’d be surprised if it didn’t work fine with everything else.



  Cobbled together a cable and after some fiddling with Basecam

software the system works. Happy days. Douglas