I already did all sensor calibrations.
what other configurations you mean ?
The mission planner is saying “Bad battery” since it is sensing 4 cells even if I have 2 cells
I changed this configuration but doesn’t reflect in the FC.
I already did all sensor calibrations.
what other configurations you mean ?
The mission planner is saying “Bad battery” since it is sensing 4 cells even if I have 2 cells
I changed this configuration but doesn’t reflect in the FC.
The configurator has 25 steps. You have completed 5.
ofcourse I did all mandatory hardware configuration (Frame type, Accel, compass, Radio,ESC, flight modes)
what else is missing ?
You only did up-to section 1.6, the rest is missing.
I copyed the instructions here:
To methodically build, configure and tune ArduPilot vehicles follow this sequence of steps:
The software needs this information to automatically pre-select configuration settings relevant to your specific vehicle
IMU temperature calibration reduces the probability of Accel inconsistent and Gyro inconsistent errors and reduces the time required to arm the vehicle. IMU temperature calibration requires lowering the temperature of the autopilot (flight controller) to circa -20°C. That is harder to do once the autopilot is assembled inside the vehicle, hence it is done now.
Assemble and connect all components. Make sure you follow best practices
Again using the ArduPilot Methodic configurator software GUI perform the following steps:
Now use Mission Planner to do:
And continue with the ArduPilot Methodic configurator software GUI:
Now that all mandatory configuration steps are done you can perform the first flight
These are the very minimum tuning steps required for a stable flight:
log file from the first flight into Notch filter webtoolThat is it, if you are impatient and do not want an optimized vehicle you can skip to everyday use.
These are the standard tuning steps required for an optimized flight:
Now the standard tuning is complete you can skip to everyday use
Sections 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9
I see you are not following any of the advice being given.
i am stuck in step 1.7 no value to check 1.8 and 1.9 → my quad doesn’t even fly!
can you please confirm based on the video I uploaded if the motors rotate in correct direction and the order is also correct?
You’re still stuck at 1.6 - item 15.
Read this:
So than your configuration is still not correct. Don’t ignore any step if it is not working as you expected.
Show your actual PARAMs
Videos show nothing as nobody can see what you are doing on Mission Planner or your Transmitter.
Thx for the answer.
The last video, I run on mission planner a test of motors in sequence. there was no RC transmitter used.
I will upload full parameter list when I go back home.
We need the parameter files created by the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator
Those files include all the necessary information to do informed decision when supporting you.
And you should add a vehicle.jpg file to it
Honestly, please remove the propellers or at least loosen the nuts by 2 turns until you confirmed the correct rotation of each motor. It is highly dangerous to do this indoors with a copter.
If you have not done so already you may want to check the ESC Calibration. It looks like the motors were at quite different speeds during the motor test.
@mr_byte31 the more steps you skip or perform incorrectly, the faster the drone will crash.
I always do ESC calibration before flight.
I follow this video steps.
Here is a user that did it correctly and got it working
I reflashed my firmware and I also did all calibrations → I start from scratch to avoid any wrong parameters that I may configured.
this is my full parameter list.
full_parameters.param (17.5 KB)
I need to spend time on how to get ArduPilot Methodic Configurator to work for me.
I installed the tool and I am stuck with the template for my FC.
I can’t find any template that uses Pixhawk 2.4.8.
is there any template that I can use?
here is a picture of the configuration that the tool collected when it started running
Think a second about this… ArduPilot supports over 100 different FC boards. Do you think we need 100 different templates? Those 100 different templates can use different ESCs. And different telemetry modules and different rc protocols … etc. The number of combinations explode.
But we are in luck, you can pick any template. Just pick the one closest to your vehicle.
I understand your point.
The RC receiver is connected via SBUS with FC and the template is asking about the SERIAL port number and I have no clue for such things.
I am googling now for answers.