Flip when switching from Loiter to alt hold

I posted this allready in the logfiles sectionb, but I fear I posted it wrong as it is not really a logging issue.

It’s about a quad with APM2.6 and Arducopter 3.1 that flips over when switching from loiter to alt hold and I think it also did so wehn switching from alt hold to stabilize.

Here is the post

There is a video showing the whole thing and there is a log file and a second 2 posts under that post. I do not know exactly what log file was from the flight on the video.

Could anybody take a look at the video and the logfiles and tell me what caused the flip?

Thanks in advance.

That looks like a mechanical failure for sure. Has your friend calibrated the ESCs?
I had a look at the logs but I don’t see anything unusual in there that would point to another cause. The flight controller certainly didn’t want to flip over that that. It didn’t give that control, the frame just did it on it’s own.

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o.k., thanks for looking at the logs. I will tell that the owneer of the copter.
And sorry for doing a double post. WIll keep that in mind and never do that. I appologize for that.