Flight time in co axial quad x8 & IMU MAGO realigned anomaly

But another compass mag field will change from 450 to 300 after takeoff…

Yes, not surprised to hear that with that giant magfield generator of a Li-Ion sitting right between the GPS/compass modules. I have had similar problems on small quads where everything is close together. Try putting them on longer posts or spacers under the base.

You can try to correct for this with Magfit but it doesn’t always help. A different battery pack or small change in battery position will cause problems.

Ok then will remove two GPS modules and use only here3+(RM3100) and will place that in front of the vehicle…

Currently both the GPS modules are here3

I really thank you all for helping.

This is why ardupilot is best and developers like you guys have great patience in explaining and guiding others…

Thank you and please be supporting