Flight mode "POSITION HOLD" please

Just downloaded latest version (1.2.99)
what a nightmare, the most important flight mode for me POS HOLD has no more in MP.

i always use this mode when take aerial photo for high altitude in very fast climbing/descending, save my battery /time too. very usefull as we can control throttle manually with locked position.

i know we can adjust climbing rate in loiter, but i use loiter for A/Video. not for ascending/descending so fast as POS HOLD does.

please restore back this flight mode “POSITION HOLD”

very important flight mode for taking AP. please please please

Seems this is not a mission planner issue, that Pos Hold has been removed from AC3.2 you must have updated that as well. See this post viewtopic.php?f=12&t=6392 You could always go back to AC3.1