Flight mode "flip"

Just wondering if anybody has tried the flip feature? I would like to give it a try but im not sure how to activate it. I have seen a couple utube videos of the iris being flipped but no ware can I find how to use it.
Also firmware 3.1.5 is ready to install if you wish.

To activate it you must assign the Flip function to channel 7, check here!
copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/channe … _8_Options

Haven’t tried it myself :frowning:
Just be sure to have high altitude

LOL should I be ready to buy a new iris!? LOL

I would be interested to see FLIP mode from a stock IRIS. Make sure you post your results.

It has been done with an upgraded IRIS.

Well I tried the flip feature today and it went better than I thought it would. I was in stabilized mode at hover at about 40 ft. Flipped the switch and away it went. . !!Good thing I was high enough because it dropped at least 15 ft before I throttled up. I was not expecting it to drop that much, but then I realized I had the long legs on (for gimbal)which are like hanging two go pros underneath. It would react better with the shorter legs. I will put the gopro on and do a few. (of coarse that’s when I will crush the crap out of it) lol
I did a few more but I made sure I was ready with the throttle and they went a lot better. I will be trying more while flying in a straight line.
So if you want to try the flip feature just be ready on the throttle.

good info thanks!

So, do you toggle the switch or flip it on and leave it there?

you can just switch it to high and it will flip. but be ready with the throttle one it does its roll. switch back to low and it will be ready to flip again as soon as you switch to high. But remember it will flip as soon as you switch to high. make sure you are high enough also. I would suggest a bout 20 meters for you first time. hover in stabilized mode and flick the switch to High