Ardurover switch to auto mode I get this massage and the flight mode change failed . i don’t use a gps but i have a wheel encoders
Ardurover switch to auto mode I get this massage and the flight mode change failed . i don’t use a gps but i have a wheel encoders
Read the documentation, many flight modes (including auto) require a GPS or a indoor positioning system.
Did you configured the odometer to provide such positioning? Did you set the home location?
Is it necessary to use gps?
It is not necessary to use a GPS but it is necessay to set the EKF origin. I think maybe you haven’t done this because i don’t see any ORGN messages in the logs.
Can you open mission planner and connect to the autopilot. The go to the Data screen and right-mouse-button-click on the map and select “Set Home Here” >> “Set Origin Here”. The vehicle should then appear on the map.
By the way, in this log did the rover move forward or did it just turn?
If it moved forward then I think maybe one of the wheel encoders is reversed because one wheel’s distances is negative and the other is positive.
Thank you very much, I can do it now