Flight Crash Root Cause

My quad suddenly lost altitude and crashed during a max speed run in stabilize mode.

The log shows some large variations in MAG field with throttle input so I suspect that could be a potential contributor.

Attitude control also isn’t the best (especially in pitch) as I’m testing a novel vehicle configuration that was difficult to tune.

Any thoughts on root cause here would be much appreciated. Really just looking to correct the issue for the next attempt. Thanks.

Log File: 2023-06-20 09-29-40.bin - Google Drive

It looks like the baro altitude spiked very positive so arducopter reduced the throttle to nothing to counter the incredible altitude change. I’m not certain about why that would happen in Stabilise mode, because although you reduce the throttle somewhat too, you didnt reduce it to zero.

The compass calibration could certainly do with some work, do an ordinary flight with plenty of turns, a figure 8 and a circle, then use magfit to analyse the log and provide new calibration values.
This will work best if you can first do the basic compass calibration with a good GPS 3D fix.

I think the altitude spike may be real and a result of high throttle outout. You can see this in ThO. It also looks like there is a large error in ThI vs ThO when I started throttling up. Reason for this is not clear to me.

STABILIZE doesn’t use altitude control loops.

Yes, which makes this look very strange. I couldnt see why arducopter would reduce motor outputs to zero, which (as far as I can tell) doesnt match throttle input.