I have these parts in my build seen below in the pictures. and I am not sure which flight controller should I buy. initially, I am planning to use my hexacopter drone for the delivery of small objects. I wanna buy a flight controller that does not exceed 150$. I guess Pixhawk 6C/mini is expensive for me but I wanna buy something similar to it if possible.
Various people on here suggest a Mateksys flight controller as being good value for money.
You can check out the below options -
actually, I am thinking about buying the Kakute H7 V2 as it has an H7 processor and high performance, but I am not sure if will it be able to handle fully autonomous flight missions using Ardupilot (mission planner)?.
Every supported Flight Controller will do that. It’s basic core functionality. You don’t even need an F4 based FC for that.
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Thanks man, but do I need the ESC 4IN1 50A stack which comes with the Kakute H7 FC or is it better to get the ESC 4IN1 65A stack? I am asking this for another quadcopter that I am planning to build.