Flew like ca. 25 min. and at the end something failed. See Video

So I was flying on a field, and everything seemed to be working great and copter flew just perfect. I was already heading home after flying ca. 25 min. But then decided that I will do just one more short few min. Flight. I took off and then after like 10-20 sec, something failed and it span down. What you guys think? What might’ve happened. I’ll post also logs. I looked into them, and it showed that something went wrong (roll and those werent as desired), but not so pro in reading those logs also. Battery also dropped at one point, in the end, but I don’t know if it was due to disarming (shouldnt be?) or some failure?

Link to Video

LOGS: Seems that it’s not possible to upload the logs (wrong format)
Uploaded to my dropbox See here

Probably empty battery?

Yeah, probably. But usually it dies “softly” and then I just land. This time it just suddenly cut off. Checked the Esc settings and Cut off voltage was at medium = 11,4V and I looked logs, it went close to it but didnt seem to go under. But probably yes… Just to make sure for next time I changed it to Low 10.4V. So should be better off :slight_smile:
Have to find new props and get to air again!