Using iNav Configurator. Hold the Boot button down and connect to USB (DFU shown in connection box). Select Load Firmware Local and then select the with_bl.hex file you downloaded. Flashing will commence and complete. You are done.
I know this works because I flashed iNav to a Kakute F7 AIO on the bench and then flashed it back to AC. It’s not a V1.5 but I don’t think that will make a difference. Or you can use Betafalight Configurator if you like but because I was already in iNav…
If it doesn’t work and you need tools with more horespower try the application in this link. Don’t worry about it being a Matek page it’s an ST Micro tool.
I flew a little 130 3" on iNav briefly but I wasn’t that familiar with the system and flashed to AC. Which worked OK, but it has BF on it now. Equal opportunity abuser
I think I found out why I can’t flash my flight controller. I found this little tidbit of info on the Maytek site:
If GPS or other devices are connected to UART1 or UART3 of F4/F7 chip and these devices are powered ON while connecting USB. FC can’t enter DFU mode. It is related to DFU protocol used in the STM32 bootloader, not hardware and PC driver issue.
Wonder if someone could help my out. I need to enable the ist8310 mag driver in 4.0.4-dev for the kakute f7. I am not a programmer and not sure where to start
As soon as I disconnected the GPS I was able to flash it. What I did was I moved the gps power over to one of the “powered by battery and not usb” power pads. Once I did that good to go.
I did have a problem because the compass drivers were not installed. However @andyp1per helped me out with that.
The only thing I don’t have working yes is esc telemetry. I have the tekko32 F3 meta 4:1. It’s supposed to be on uart7 which maps to serial 5. But no luck yet.
I did find that the AC docs on the motor order are wrong however. Motor mapping is 1,2,3,4 corresponding to servo 1,2,3,4
OK, cool! Yea, the motor order on some of these boards is not always clear. I just wire-em up the most convenient way based on board orientation and then re-map them in firmware after running Motor Test.
Actually I got the Telemetry working… Looks like it was not being sent to MP event though I have mavlink2 enabled. Either way it is getting logged so I am good.