First VTOL build from scratch and successful fixed wing flight

The foamie VTOL I designed and built myself achieved its first full flight!

Transitioned into fixed wing flight, doing a couple of laps of my local airfield. It hit 44mph, did not stall at about 32 mph, and was stable through 45 deg bank angles.

Still need to minimize the pitching up that happens because the pusher prop is too low relative to vertical Cg. But it already has just enough thrust to weight ratio to get it wingborne.

Thanks to many Ardupilot developers (especially on Discord) who helped me get my Ardupilot setup dialed in enough for a successful full flight.

With latest 3D printed nose:

Initial design:

Video of the first successful flight, a transition to fixed wing flight with two laps around my airfield and then back transition.

Build timelapse:

Build walkthrough video, which is mostly airframe, propulsion and hardware related.

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