First flight in loiter mode

I think that AccZ range is not good, could you help me to analyse the log ?

Read this: In Flight Tuning

Pay attention to step #9

Dude you are all over the place, and it’s pretty obvious to me that you are in the water way over your head with this aircraft.

What you really need to do is put the aircraft aside, sit down and READ THE WIKI. Then, when you have an understanding of how things are supposed to work, build a “normal sized” aircraft and use it as a training aid so you can gain hands on experience.

I have retried to flight (with no wind), stabilize and loiter seems to work well (from ground point of view).

However, the camera is shaking vertically (vibration problem ?)

I can reduce the problem with vibration tape, but if this problem is due to copter vibrations problem I must solve this problem before

Could you help me please ?

Tune all axis with autotune can help to reduce vibrations ?


Post pictures (close up and "normal) of how the flight controller and the camera/gimbal are mounted and post flight videos…