Hello there. My cheerson cx 20 does not stop beeping when in plug it into Mission Planner or the battery. I have tried to revert the firmware to its original, but all i get is the message "Please Update - Some older library dlls are causing problems Method not found: Void MissionPlanner.Arduino.IArduinoComms.set_StopBits (System.IO.Ports.StopBits). I have already tried this on 2 computers with 3 cables.
Good day, did you install a pixhawk fc or still have the original fc?
I have the original fc.
Im not familiar with that flight controller, maybe you can try to flash the firmware in DFU mode or with a jtag programmer but you must find first the pinout scheme
Could you stitch? Or the problem remained?
try forcing bootloader to upload firmware, I have had issues in the past cpl weeks getting it to work the normal way.
I’m getting the same upload error when trying to upload the firmware.
I was getting this exact same error. Here is how I fixed it:
- Set the compatibility mode of the Mission Planner executable to Windows 7.
- Open Mission Planner.
- Open the Help window and Check for a Beta Update.
After doing this the firmware has downloaded from the internet and uploaded to my drone with no problems.
I have the same problem with an old APM 2.6 (I think that this behavoir beguin with the last update of Mission Planner)
But when I try to fix it as Matthew says, in “Check for BETA updates”, Mission Planner freezes and the last terminal info in background says “ReadDataFromAddress attempt 0 Queued https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ardupilot/ardupilot/master/libraries/AC_AttitudeControl.ccp”
Help please!
Well, the problem seem to be a incompatibility (or bug) betwen the version (v 1.3.63) an the old firmware of the old APM boards. I have downgrade “Mission Planne” to an ancient verssion (v 1.3.53) and now the fimware was loaded perfectly. The only thing is that now I have to stay in this verssion of Mission Planner to avoid risks due to incompatibilities (The old pilot, with the old copter, the old firmware and the good old Ground Station).
I had the same problem, and by rolling back to older MP version it works fine. Thanks Berto Te