Firmware Update now my 2 Iris+ not working

Hello all,
I have been flying the Iris+ since April and love it. It has done everything I could ever want so I bought another one for my son. One day he decided to connect them up to mission Planner and do a firmware update on both. :unamused:
Now neither one works. Doesn’t find satellites, “no data” shows on the controller where it used to list satellites.

There both worked fine until that update. Please help get me back in the air.

Flashing firmware should not be an issue unless you picked the wrong configuration.
Without a log from the IRIS it’s hard to determine what happened.

I would re-flash with the latest firmware again making sure you pick the right configuration.

You may need to redo the setup as some things have changed and will need to be recalibrated.

The latest firmware 3.3 does require some recalibrations to be done.


Thanks, I’ll try that this morning and report back

Well I tried that and still not working. I updated firmware and it went through the entire update, then it downloaded all the perimeters, calibrated compasses, calibrated accelerometer, calibrated radio. I did all that through the usb wire to the side of the drone. I took it apart and checked for loose connections and all is fine.

Once the radio and drone are turned on all I get is a flashing yellow light and “no data” on the radio.

Please help, fall is almost at its peak here in Western Massachusetts and would get some great shots from the Iris.

Ok, Version 3.3 works a little different than 3.2 did and so I would put the unit outside and do the test as it need to get everything going before the yellow light goes away.

Also the flight mode can make it take longer to go away. I use Stabilize mode and after a short time it turns blue like it did originally. Altitude hold may be a good choice. Position hold needs the GPS to be locked in before it will turn blue. Also once it has a low HDOP the green light will flash rapidly instead of the slow rate.

You need to change some setting to get the radio information to work again as there was some changes to this setting that need to be done. I don’t have an IRIS+ radio so I would have to look that up.


Good news is I got it back to flying again!! Thank you for your help.
I do have one last issue…
One of them I can’t get the telemetry to work. Not with my computer or with droid planner. Weird that one works and one doesn’t.

Any ideas??

There are serial configuration values that control what gets outputted. One of them must have gotten changed. You can either compare the two units using mission planner or check them yourself.
