Firmware source code for RfDesign 900x series

sorry if i misunderstood the mechanism but: if i set a receiver on NetID = 25, then i can listen to any transmitter set to the same ID, right? it sounds ok to you? not to me…

basically, i can hack any drone simply trying all the xxx numbers (a quite low number of trials), without needing to physically access the hardware (i.e. pushing a button). correct me if i’m wrong.
I’m not including encryption layer since it comes “on top” of that archiecture

That’s why I mentioned above that you can use the super friendly environment of a. Mission planner, b. Txmod web page, c. Rftools to establish an AES code which is practically impossible to brake,
-no mechanical buttons that can failure
-hardware accelerated encryption

  • pretty modern-web based

my txmod + ux module arrived and i just tested it on 3.15 fw on both. Telemetry is ok but i cannot enable ECC and change TX power (if i do, they revert back to defaults after power cycle). Is that “by design”?

Also web page wizard has to be updated, since it does not support SBUS and there’s no reference to the SBUS setting to be set = 4. I had to find myself somewhere here in the board


Use modem tools from
ECC is removed from 3.15, there is a CRC check, and halving the speed it too much price for ECC.
Check your module version, if it is a region locked then you cannot change power and frequency settings to something that is illegal in your region.

Are you saving settings with at&w before reboot ?

Eos, i’m simply using the “advanced” settings page of web interface and when i change something and get “changes saved and active” i assume it’s telling the truth. I don’t know if my module is restricted, where it’s stated? I’m in EU and just bought it from 3DXR.

?? What is this exactly ?

Main web page, in the “advanced options” pane, “RFD900x Radio Settings” button.
To the manifacturer, i would point out that supplied cable (to connect UX to PC with FDTI cable) is wrong, it comes with 6-pin “clickmate” instead of 9-pin one. if you consider that the package comes with TXMOD with 3.05 and UX module with 3.15 fw, the thing is not working out of the box and user cannot discover it due to wrong cable (although can be fixed upgrading TXMOD to 3.15 over the air).

Hi Steve, how did you get it working? And on which transmitter? I’m struggling to get my sbus working even when I set to 4

hi Yasiinm

SBUS is working as far as i tried to (set to 4). My transmitter is Taranis X9D

I’ve followed the guides on there but I couldn’t get it working on the Radiomaster TX16S. Ended up sticking to PPM with channel range 1-12 which is working fine for me for now. Might just be an issue with the TX16S sbus out on the JR bay, will need to try it with a taranis at some point

This frame packet is the SiK radio frame packet. How the 2 bytes NetID field value in this frame packet is calculating when the particular NetID value is set for the RFD900 telemetry radio module. What is the encoding process behind this calculations.

Anyone reply for this?

when we set the NetID of the telemetry radio module as 20 in Mission Planner.
when we capture the data using PlutoSDR at the ground control station side, we are getting the frame packet according to the above mentioned frame packet picture as below 010101010101010101010100101101110101001111111111110101
according to the above mentioned SiK frame packet in binary, the 2 byte NetID field value is 11111111 11110101 how the NetID 20 set in MissionPlanner is converting into this 2 byte NetID value. I am not able to find the procedure of this conversion anywhere on Internet. Please anyone help me in this

If you using a SiK radio then all your answers are in the radio source code linked above.
If you using RFD900x or newer radio then you are out of luck since those are not open source radios.

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We are using RFD900 radio modules which uses SiK radio firmware