I have been studying the ArduPilot docs for a while now and I think I know what is happening. However, I would still like to get some verification as to the process of uploading firmware to a FC.
FC firmware consists of two parts. One is the bootloader that provide a way to upload different versions of ArduPilot. The second part is the ArduPilot software itself. When starting with a new board or an existing one with different controller software, the Ardupilot boot program must be uploaded along with the ArduPilot versikon that you want to run. This is done by using the STM32CubeProgrammer software and the file name will have a bt at the end of it. Once STM32 uploads this file, then Mission Planner can upload newer versions ofArdupilot by interacting with the boot loader that is installed and doesn’t change.
It looks like the Ardupilot files that end with a bt contain the bootloader and the specified ArduPilot file ver ???. A file named “arducopter.hex” is just the ArduPilot program but “arducopter with bl.hex” has the ArduPilot software AND the boot loader.
Before I purchased a new FC board, I must make sure that the firmware for this particular board is available from the ArduPilot firmware section.
Am I correct on these issues?