Firmware emulation

Hi guys, sorry for bothering.

Can Ardupilot do firmware emulation like QEMU?
Precisely, can I load my drone firmware (I have the .bin file) and do instrumentaion or analysis? Or is it just simulation of the physics?

Thank you.

The ArduPilot SITL contains all the “firmware” + physics simulation.

So you can instrument the code and also do step-by-step debugging.

So I can load only the supported firmware for SITL?

In addition: Can I send specific inputs (fuzz) to observe the behaviour like in QEMU ? (Fuzzing — QEMU documentation)

Sorry, I just need to know if it is better to emulate the drone’s firmware in QEMU or if it is easier with SITL.

SITL runs native code on x86.

You seam to want to test a specific FW build, so QEMU is better for you.