Fence Enable Priority Question

ArduCopter 3.1 - If I want to use Tx channel 7 to enable/disable Fence (set on ArduCopter PIDs screen), should the Software/GeoFence Enable button be set to “disable” or does it matter?

[quote=“rslegge”]ArduCopter 3.1 - If I want to use Tx channel 7 to enable/disable Fence (set on ArduCopter PIDs screen), should the Software/GeoFence Enable button be set to “disable” or does it matter?

I havent tested this case, but the settings I have tried that use an input usually update on the mission planner screen after using the refreshing parameters ( i think thats what its called) button.
so try switching it on and off using the input, refresh between changes and see if the screen updates to suit.


Thanks Stu,

I could not see the value changing when I was using TX channel 7. The tip I needed was to refresh the parms to show the value changed. So I left fence unchecked in ArduCopter PIDs screen and channel 7 let me turn it on and off. I test flew today and everything worked as expected. You can really see the quad hitting the fence and switching into RTL.

Brill, glad it worked. I haven’t played with get fence yet.

sent from my phone so apologies for any typos