Fence Alt type in auto mode

Hello @rmackay9

If I configure geofence enable and set max altitude 1000 meter
My waypoints are planned in terrain altitude mode then AP will consider the AGL above the takeoff point or altitude above the terrain it will consider “ALT is breached “

Hi @kalai1219,

AP Copter fences are all relative to the home location. There’s an item on the to-do list somewhere to allow supporting fences as “above terrain” but it’s not complete yet (nor is anyone actively working on it as far as I know).

Thank you for your response & understood.

Similarly RTL_ALT_TYPE set to 1 ( terrain).

I planning to RTL to land the copter on Rally point not original home point where it takeoff.my rally point altitude type set as Relative.

What AP does whether RTL will follow terrain or relative altitude?

Hi @kalai1219,

If RTL_ALT_TYPE is set to 1(terrain) then it will use terrain following to get to the rally point. Remember that you can always test this yourself using Mission Planner’s built in simulator.