Featured: ArduPilot partner 3DXR

Great video from prolific and always interesting youtuber Painless360, who visited the offices of 3DXR, an Ardupilot partner.

He interviews Ben of 3DXR, who talks about his company and its services, the copters and planes 3DXR commercially builds for customers, and how 3DXR uses many advanced features of Ardupilot (like smart RTH, lidar, gimbal control, …) on the cube flight controller hardware. 3DXR also makes and uses Li-Ion battery packs (rated 2C and 6C) for planes for more flight time, uses flight deck from Ardupilot partner Craft and Theory, and also uses the Pixracer from partner mRobotics.

A nice example of the professional Ardupilot ecosystem at work. Looking forward to part 2!
