FC to ESC Wiring Discrepancy

I’m upgrading my quad to an 8S config, and want to use the FETtec 65A 3-8S 4-in-1 ESC with the Kakute H7 V2 FC. I’m trying to figure out the wiring for the connector.

All the pinouts are straightforward except for 2 of them. The FC has a GND and CUR pin while the ESC has 2x GND pins. Does it matter which goes where here?

Kakute Connector:

ESC Connector:

just skip the cur wire, your esc has telemetry so you dont need it.

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Yes, it matters. Connect the GND to both GNDs and leave the curr pin open.

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Is there a reason why both GNDs on the esc need to be connected (as opposed to just one)

The reason is: If they are separated they need to be connected together. But I can not guess if they are separated.