Failsafe with no cause?

Guys, I am flying a Arducopter with GPS.

I cannot arm it after adding a GPS. The error is failsafe without no more information.

Could you help me get an idea what causes this?

No, as always, without a .bin log file we can not.

Thanks for your response.

But without arming, I recorded nothing.

Set LOG_DISARM to 1 it will create a new log even without arming.

Here is what I just recorded

arming_fail_GPS_2.bin (853.5 KB)

Another one is arming_fail_GPS.bin - Google Drive

But this time, there is no “Failsafe” shown in MissionPlanner, but I cannot arm it either.

PreArm: RC not found
PreArm: GPS 1: Bad fix

The drone was in guided mode so it will require a GPS position. In the log I looked at the HDOP was still at 100, so I’m assuming you tested inside.

Did you have the transmitter turned on?

Hi, Allister.

For GPS.bin, I armed it inside and moved outside then I got GPS signal, but failed to arm…

For GPS_2.bin, it was begun outside with good GPS signal.