Failsafe trigger 0x2


I am currently learning about ArduRover and built myself a simple Airboat to test out the Software, with Rover 4.0.0 on a PX4 FMU V2. So far I got it to drive around in Auto Mode and RTL. On my Ground Station (QGroundControl on Debian) I sometimes get the Error Message “Failsafe trigger 0x2” which results in Hold Mode. I can get it back to manual mode by setting it on the ground Station, but the Failsafe trigger reappears and stops the boat.
The Failsafe triggers regardless of the current mode, and I can not recreate the error at home. So it seems to be caused by moving/driving. Since the Rover goes in to Hold Mode it seems to be the System Failsafe, but I could not find anything when analyzing the Dataflash Logs in Mission Planner. The log messages:
MSG, 684770704, Failsafe trigger 0x2
I tried searching for this Message, but I am unable to find anything related. Could someone point me in a direction to look for? Anything related helps, documentation, similar issues or which part of the Log to analyze in Mission Planner.

Appreciate any help.

Hi Flo,
I can’t help with looking at the log etc.
I had a vaguely related problem with the same message when my safety switch was not connected properly. Maybe there is a loose connection or faulty switch that only raises its head when there is movement out in the field.
Regards, Bill

Hi Bill,

thank you very much for your input, I will remove the switch and try it again. Might take one or two weeks before I can go out to the lake again, but I will give an Update.
Regards, Flo

Flo- I am sorry I don’t have much more to add, but I am having a similar issue as you (skid steer boat, failsafe 0x2 results in hold mode which appears to leave the boat 'dead in the water).

Did you ever find a solution?


Hi Brian,
unfortunately the weather wasn’t good enough to try it again (too much wind for my slow boat), but so far I’ve removed everything besides the telemetry radio, Power Module, PPM encoder and GPS to eliminate as much sources of failure as possible.
I also removed the pins from the DF13 connectors, made sure they are cramped correctly and bend the U shaped contact on the bottom slightly together, to improve the contact.
I’m sorry I can’t give you a better response, but I hope I have a chance to try out my boat on the weekend.

Thanks Flo, I appreciate your input. Everything on my boat seems to be working well, other than the intermittent 0X2 failsafe message. Please let me know how your testing goes and I will do the same.



@rmackay9 do you have any idea what the 0X2 failsafe trigger message means?


Hi Brian,

I’ve tested my boat today and didn’t get any Failsafe Trigger 0x2 messages. So bending and crimping the connection wires did the trick for me.

@Bill_K thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.



Great news. I have yet to get my boat back in the water, but I will check all the connections again per your suggestions.

Thanks again


To anyone that is interested in this, I spoke with Randy over PM and he said that the failsafe 0x2 message is a ground station failsafe. This makes sense because I am using an old laptop for my GCS which freezes quite a lot during operation.

Hope this helps someone else!

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Hi Brian,

is the Failsafe trigger 0x2 different from other Ground Station Failsafes? I have set Ground Station Failsafe in QgroundControl to “continue with mission in Auto” - So it should not go into Hold mode

Flo- I am not sure. I confirmed with Randy that the 0x2 failsafe trigger was a ground control station failsafe, but other than that I don’t have any more details. For what its worth, I also have my boats configured to “continue with auto mission” as well. In my case, the 0x2 trigger occurred when my laptop was frozen for a few seconds (old laptop).
