Failed to find matching joystick - SM600


I have a SM600 RC transmitter simulator which has a USB interface. I tried to use it for SITL but got

module load joystick
MANUAL> MANUAL> pygame 2.5.2 (SDL 2.28.2, Python 3.10.12)
Hello from the pygame community.
MAVProxy.modules.mavproxy_joystick: Found joystick (PengFei Model RC Simulator - G4.5+G5+G5.5+G6 Controller)
MAVProxy.modules.mavproxy_joystick: Failed to find matching joystick.
Loaded module joystick

Is it possible to connect such a joystick or do I have to use a real RC transmitter with a dongle?


For anyone that has a Radiomaster Tx16S, it can be used as a joystick and works with SITL.

I guess then that SM600 is not supported.