Completed all the options under mandatory in initial setup and all was successful
Result -
1 - Pixhawk LED - double flashing amber (failed pre-arm check)
2 - Safety switch triple flashing green and solid when pressed
3 - GPS - 3D Hold
4 - Flight mode changes to Hold when Auto is selected
What have I missed gentlemen?
searched this board and other boards as well as the obvious Google Search and do not have a ‘SOLVED’ solution.
I sure don’t. I do know that with the latest rover code I cannot arm in the water while the boat is moving around in the waves. You could disable the arming checks and give it a careful try but that probably is not suggested. Or just disable the AHRS check and give it a try.
John, What does it say in the mission planner messages tab? Everytime you fail an arm it will give you a little more descriptive response in the messages tab. Also what is your your prearm check config?
Made the following changes:
ARMING_CHECK = was 1 (All) changed to 72 (GPS lock only, no RC failsafe)
ARMING_REQUIRE = was 1 (THR_MIN) to 0 (Disabled)
LED = Solid Green (Armed GPS Lock)
Switch = Solid Green (Armed)
Mode = Manual (All works fine) Auto - still won’t go into AUTO forces into HOLD
When you are troubleshooting arming problems, especially with a boat that is not going to fly away, just turn them all off. IF that works, turn them back on one at a time until you find the one causing you grief. There are a lot of them so search the full parameter list for keywords like failsafe.
You have:
Battery voltage, needs to be calibrated or the failsafe will false.
GPS, not just lock but the PDOP must be low enough.
RTL etc etc.
Turn off the safety swtich