Failed launch in TAKEOFF mode

I flew multiple batteries today with my FT Mini Guina Pig. I always started in TAKEOFF mode, hand launching the plane. A couple of times the plane was quite close to the ground before pitching up but all in all it worked fine until the last take off.

I hand launched the plane into the wind. It started pitching up but then it lost altitude, started turning as if loitering and ended up in a hawthorn bush 2 meters above the ground at the end of the field.

I’ve preciously had some problems with the ESCs desyncing so I first suspected insufficient thrust. But when looking at a log with a successful launch and the failed launch log the RPM, current draw and airspeed was the same.

The logs of a successful flight and the crash are available here. 10 is a successful flight and 11 the crash.

Since the last auto-tune and magfit I’ve changed the wing (destroyed the old one in a crash). They should be more or less identical, but I notice that a new magfit and autotune would be good. I did not do an autotune today since the wind was so gusty and turbulent. Perhaps that was a mistake?

Any idea what caused the crash?