We have a problem with the compass calibration, sometimes the callibration doesn’t start at all and a few times it has started but it stopped at a certain percentage. We don’t know what the problem is or how we can fix it.
If you want help you need to provide more info about your problem. Start with the picture of your setup, information about arducopter version type of compass etc.
We are using an build in compass from the “Micro M8N GPS”, which is the “QMC5883 digital compass”. The arducopter version we are using is 4.1.5, also the FC we are using is Matek Flight Controller H743-MINI.
Yes we followed the steps that are on the website but sometimes the calibration doesn’t even start or is stuck at a certaine percent. We are using only one external compass from the GPS.
This is what wehave selected when doing the callibration.
Yes, we are doing the calibration by rotating it in all axis, i tried relaxing the fitness but i doesn’t work because When i start the callibration in get stuck on a random percentage and it doesn’t proceed anymore.
I tried it on QGroundControl but it still isn’t working, but it is my first time installing and using this software. But i tried the calibration multiple times and i doesn’t work.
No while callibrating there isn’t any sound from the copter, i doesn’t make any noice. But before this we had a other GPS (so other compass), back then the compass callibation sucseeded, but we also had some problems with callibrating back then (same problems, but after a while it completed) and the drone didn’t make any noice while calibrating with the other compass.
Hi Drone_Swarm, I am also facing the compass calibration issue on my pixhawk 2.4.8 board with arducopter pixhak-1 firmware. If you had fixed the issue can you please reply how or provide an alternative to atleast fly the pixhawk without compass?