F405v3 Connectivity Options

Hi there, first time poster long time user.

I am building a new fishing drone.
This time I want it to be full autonomous flight for take-off, wp1, drop payload, wp2, wp3, rtl, land.
Please resist the urge to take this thread into the realms of legality and so forth, I know the risks, I will tune with my tx/rx before doing anything silly.
I have read some things in relation to ignoring the RC input or at least hard coding the values to trick the system. That’s not really my question though, that’s a few weeks away for me.

My big question right now, is how can I link the speedybee f405 v3 to the ios or android phone app for controlling the start of an auto mission, or better plan a mission in the app and push to the drone?
the f405v3 has BT but no wifi from what I can see, even the BT doesn’t seem to be broadcasting since uploading ardupilot FW.
I already have the old 3dr 433mhz radio link which I’d like to repurpose, if possible,
Is it as simple as building a unit to convert to BT radio as detailed here: Repeater for Wireless Ground Station Connections — Copter documentation
will the qgroundcontrol work with bluetooth? I can’t see anything saying it will. at least not on ios. Or should I be looking at a wifi option?

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

SiK radios can be connected to Android devices, there should be something in the docs.

I’ve used an OTG cable to connect a SiK radio to an android tablet for Mission Planner. It worked, but I didn’t really put it through it’s paces to know for sure.

There isn’t anything for IOS anymore.

Thank you both for your replies. I can’t believe I didn’t see that earlier. I think I always knew them as 3dr radios, steered clear of “SIK Radios” because I didn’t know what they were. turns out tit’s basically the same thing.
Took a little bit of fiddling with the USB cable, plus I needed to add some power to the port, I think the radio was not getting enough juice. Once I sorted that though, worked immediately in MP, in fact it opened the app when the USB was plugged in.
Very good.
Thanks again.